A catalogue of our community members who are currently studying Physics after Engineering | Physics after Engineering blog

             Our group members have made it big!! They have been selected to many prestigious institutes like IITs(Mumbai, Delhi, Kharagpur Kanpur, etc), ICTS Bangalore, HRI Allahabad, IMSc Chennai, TIFR Mumbai, TIFR Hyderabad, IISERs and other universities like HCU, Pune University, etc.

 Here is the link to our Telegram group "Physics after Engineering" where most of them are members.

We've asked them to enter their details in this sheet along with their educational background to give readers an idea of where they have the rank to get into those institutes. Here is the list!!

Note: These are not the only Engineers admitted in those institutes. People who went to the IITs and other institutes have found some other Engineers there in their class who are unaware of the blog and our groups.

JAM Ranks

JEST Ranks

Also, do visit all other useful content of our blog 
Physics after Engineering.

Below is the link for our Whatsapp group with 500+ members all of whom are engineers who actively discuss and help each other out in entering the physics stream after engineering. 


  1. Hello,

    I am about to give IITJAM 2020. I am a Btech Mechanical student from IIT Dhanbad. Can I get admisiion in IIT Delhi, Madras ,Kharagpur,Bombay,and Kanpur for MSC Physics if I get the desired rank??

  2. Is is possible that I may be rejected at the time of admission in IITs even if I got a seat through IIT JAM in IIT Delhi due to my Mechanical Engineering background. I want to know the details of IIT counselling procedure in details. How do I contact the people who got admitted this year. The discord link which is given is expired.

    1. Read the post on 'eligibility criteria for admission in IITs'. It's very unlikely that it'll happen but unfortunately it had happened once to a girl I met. None of the people mentioned above her any such issue. Before placing the IIT in your preference list you can mail them on their official ID or even better the HOD, asking to confirm your eligibility. That's what all the above people have done. In case there shall arise any issue later you can show them the mail.

    2. If you have good jam score which might secure a seat in their institute then I suppose they'll be more inclined to give you a reply.

  3. The column "Admission Denied due to Engineering Background" refers to admission denied during admission process(on the day of admission ) or in JOAPS portal itself during allotment?

  4. Hello, Can someone help me here. I am B Tech Civil Engineering, after working for 8 years in Steel industry, I have left my job and now teaching students, but I wanted to have my masters in Physics or Engineering physics now ( in IITs) and want to do it full time and now i am 36. So is it possible for me to appear in GATE and do the masters in physics. I need help from you. Also tell me if there is any other option.

    1. Hi debasish I'm really glad to hear about your interest. I'm a bit busy at the moment can you mail me on dushyanth.edadasula@gmail.com so that I can get back to you in the evening?

    2. Also please read all the blog posts relevant to your questions and also go through official websites of jam ,JEST and institutes that you're interested in, and check eligibility criteria.

  5. I have appeared gate twice and got very low score of 34.8 in second attempt my question is am I have the competence to clear jam and my graduation is from a tire 3 college with average aggregate how tough was it compared to gate ?? And lastly I am very much interested in material science and quantum theory can i get them with valid jam score my engineering background from ece ?

    1. You may join our community from the link below and ask the same question there. People will tell you their opinions

  6. Hello, i did my mechanical engineering from iit Roorkee in 2018 and I'm currently teaching physics for jee in Mumbai and I really want to pursue physics now, so I was thinking of doing my masters from India and then PhD from abroad so can you please guide me how can I take admission in msc physics in Pune University or Mumbai University or can you suggest any better options? Please help, I desperately need it.

    1. I guess you've sent me a mail asking the same. I've replied once there.


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Below is the link for our Whatsapp group with 400+ members all of whom are engineers who actively discuss and help each other out in entering physics stream after engineering.


You can find the FAQs and important conversations happened earlier in the groups in this SubRedditr/Physicsaftrengineerin/


Mail me on Dushyanth.edadasula@gmail.com for further queries.

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