Physics after Engineering Telegram Group

The WhatsApp groups are over flooding, So we've made a telegram group, where there are no restrictions on the number of people.

Please read all the blogposts before asking questions in the group. Although I encourage people conversing in the group, it better be about things that are not already mentioned in the Blog and FAQs.

We've spent hours and hours for writing each post, I beg you to value the work and read them before asking questions in the group. Here is the link to the Blogposts and the FAQs page, most of the basic questions are already answered in them.

Click the checkbox,
Prove your 'Homo sapienness to computerji ,
 make the Invite link below clickable,
join us on telegram. WhatsApp Invite Page

You can find the FAQs and important conversations happened earlier in the groups in this SubReddit r/Physicsaftrengineerin/


Below is the link for our Whatsapp group with 400+ members all of whom are engineers who actively discuss and help each other out in entering physics stream after engineering.

You can find the FAQs and important conversations happened earlier in the groups in this SubRedditr/Physicsaftrengineerin/

Mail me on for further queries.

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