Interesting Blogs & Websites to help you become a great Physicist!! | Physics After Engineering blog

If you want to learn more about the world of physics, improve your skills and find internships & fellowships, then you will find these blogs very useful.

How to become a GOOD Theoretical Physicist- A blog by Gerard 't Hooft (ext. link)
This blog explains how you can become a Nobel Prize-winning scientist. Also, the books you should read for that.

CafePhysics by Prof. Ananda Das Gupta
The blog was written by one of my Professor whom not only I but the whole IISER Kolkata respects a lot for his best teaching. He has explained some of the difficult concepts of physics like tensor very well.

Tips for scientific soft skills
Here you can find helpful tips to improve scientific soft skills and it also provides tips for your journey before Ph.D., during Ph.D., and after Ph.D.

Go for science
This website you will find useful for summer internships, institutes, and fellowships.

So You Want To Become a Physicist?
This link has a list of so many resources available over the internet to learn physics. It also suggests the books and lectures with the links for them.
Also check out: So You Want to Be a Physicist: 22 Part Guide!

Feynman's lectures on Physics complete book

Physics Log - A blog by a friend of my friend from Nepal.

Universe of Spectroscopy: To learn about the spectroscopy in astronomy

Below is a page with the link for our WhatsApp group with 250+ members all of whom are engineers who actively discuss and help each other out in entering physics stream after engineering.

Also, do visit all other useful content of our blog Physics after Engineering.



    This is also a great blog, especially for those giving the Physics GRE. It explains how to cover the undergraduate physics syllabus of most universities in US

  2. Go for science website isn't working anymore. So, you might rather follow their facebook page for updates-


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Below is the link for our Whatsapp group with 400+ members all of whom are engineers who actively discuss and help each other out in entering physics stream after engineering.

You can find the FAQs and important conversations happened earlier in the groups in this SubRedditr/Physicsaftrengineerin/

Mail me on for further queries.

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